Как пройти первую карту guild wars 2

Atlas of fully discovered Maps (updated in 2019) for Guild Wars 2, GW2 Heart of Thorns, GW2 Path of Fire and Living World Seasons. Maps of GW2 individual zones contain locations of Renown Hearts, Points of Interest, Waypoints, Hero Challenges, Vistas, Adventures, Jumping Puzzles, Maguuma | Path of Fire | Central Tyria Masteries, Dungeon Entrances.

ATTENTION: At the moment I am in the process of updating maps to version of the game from 2019. As of today, maps for the Kryta and Crystal Desert Regions have been updated, other maps are older.


Kryta is a region located between the Shiverpeak Mountains and Maguuma Jungle. The name Kryta is used to refer to both the geological location and the last human kingdom in Tyria

Kryta zones

Living World Season 3
Episode 4: The Head of the Snake


Caudecus"s Manor(Queensdale)


Ascalon, region of Tyria, is the domain of Iron Legion charr. It is a temperate, moderately lush region that has been fought for by the charr and humans for centuries.

Ascalon zones

Plains of Ashford

Blazeridge Steppes


Ascalonian Catacombs(Plains of Ashford)

Citadel of Flame(Fireheart Rise)

Shiverpeak Mountains

The Shiverpeak Mountains, also simply called the Shiverpeaks, rise up over ten-thousand feet above sea level and is a vast mountain range spanning most of Tyria, running north to south and dividing it in two.

Shiverpeaks zones

Wayfarer Foothills

Dredgehaunt Cliffs

Timberline Falls

Frostgorge Sound

Bitterfrost Frontier

Living World Season 3
Episode 3: A Crack in the Ice

Thunderhead Peaks

Living World Season 4
Episode 5: All or Nothing.


Sorrow"s Embrace(Dredgehaunt Cliffs)

Honor of the Waves(Frostgorge Sound)

Tarnished Coast

All of the peninsula is a vast and verdant jungle. While the wastes have completely dried and are uninhabitable, the Tarnished Coast has maintained its wildland of tropical trees.

Tarnished Coast zones

Metrica Province

Brisban Wildlands


Twilight ArborCaledon Forest

Crucible of EternityMount Maelstrom

Heart of Maguuma

Heart of Maguuma is an area west of the Tarnished Coast, just beyond Rata Sum. It contains the thickest forested parts of the Maguuma Jungle and is the longtime home of the Quetzal tengu and Itzel hylek who still live there today.

Heart of Maguuma zones

Living World Season 3
Episode 1: Out of the Shadows

Maguuma Wastes

The Maguuma Wastes is the area north of the Tarnished Coast. They are formed from the portions of the Maguuma Jungle that have mysteriously dried out over the years.

Maguuma Wastes zones

The Silverwastes

Guild Wars 2 (originally Living World Season 2)

Ring of Fire

The Ring of Fire is a group of volcanic islands just south of the Tarnished Coast. The large volcano at the center of the ring, called Abaddon"s Mouth, is where the Six Gods dropped the Bloodstones before leaving Tyria.

Ring of Fire zones

Living World Season 3
Episode 5: Flashpoint

Living World Season 3
Episode 2: Rising Flames

Ruins of Orr

The Ruins of Orr are situated on a peninsula south of Ascalon and west of the Crystal Desert. They are the destroyed remains of one of the three Tyrian human kingdoms which was once a vibrant, proud, and prosperous nation.

Ruins of Orr zones

Straits of Devastation

Living World Season 3
Episode 6: One Path Ends


The Ruined City of Arah(Cursed Shore)

Crystal Desert

The Crystal Desert is the land that lies between the nations of Ascalon, Orr, and Elona. It is said that every grain of sand in the desert was in fact a tiny crystal, giving the region its name.

Crystal Desert zones

The Battle of Claw Island

Victory or Death

Labyrinthine Cliffs

Bastion of the Penitent

Raid Zone - 10 players

Raid Zone - Forsaken Thicket first wing - 10 players

Raid Zone - Forsaken Thicket second wing - 10 players

Stronghold of the Faithful

Raid Zone - Forsaken Thicket third wing - 10 players

This map requires Guild Wars 2 core game only

This map requires core game and Heart of Thorns expansion pack

This map requires core game and Path of Fire expansion pack

Living World Season 3

This map requires core game, Heart of Thorns expansion pack and LWS3 Episode

Living World Season 4

This map requires core game, Path of Fire expansion pack and LWS4 Episode

Living World Season 5 - The Icebrood Saga

This map requires core game, Path of Fire expansion pack and LWS5 Episode

All your comments, suggestions and corrections are very welcome. Your experience helps other players. We invite you to add comments, thank you.

ATTENTION: At the moment I am in the process of updating maps to version of the game from 2019. As of today, maps for the Kryta and Crystal Desert Regions have been updated, other maps are older.


Kryta is a region located between the Shiverpeak Mountains and Maguuma Jungle. The name Kryta is used to refer to both the geological location and the last human kingdom in Tyria

Kryta zones

Living World Season 3
Episode 4: The Head of the Snake


Caudecus"s Manor(Queensdale)

Crystal Desert

The Crystal Desert is the land that lies between the nations of Ascalon, Orr, and Elona. It is said that every grain of sand in the desert was in fact a tiny crystal, giving the region its name.

Crystal Desert zones

Living World Season 4
Episode 2: A Bug in the System

Living World Season 4
Episode 1: Daybreak

Living World Season 4
Episode 3: Long Live the Lich

Living World Season 4
Episode 4: A Star to Guide Us

Living World Season 4
Episode 6: War Eternal.

This map requires Guild Wars 2 core game only

This map requires core game and Heart of Thorns expansion pack

This map requires core game and Path of Fire expansion pack

Living World Season 3

This map requires core game, Heart of Thorns expansion pack and LWS3 Episode

Living World Season 4

This map requires core game, Path of Fire expansion pack and LWS4 Episode

Living World Season 5 - The Icebrood Saga

This map requires core game, Path of Fire expansion pack and LWS5 Episode

Thanks for help in preparing of this map to:

Pryde Soulfire of The Glowstars

Map icons for Guild Wars 2

Renown Hearts (renown regions) are specified areas in an explorable zone that give a set of tasks for a player to assist with and provide a reward upon completion.

Repeatable Renown Hearts . (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

POIs - Points of Interest location within the world of Tyria that can be discovered through exploration

Waypoints Once unlocked you can teleport yourself to the waypoint for a small fee. Waypoints have to be discovered through exploration.

Hero Challenges are task that, when completed, rewards characters with a hero point. Hero challenges are locked until a character reaches level 11.

Repeatable Hero Challenges are task that, when completed, rewards characters with a hero point. (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

Vistas are an interactive object located in the world which triggers an associated cinematic. Vistas are usually hard to reach.

Adventures are challenges (mini games) introduced in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns for level 80 players.

Maguuma Mastery Insights , places of power that gives you a Mastery point when you commune with them. (Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns)

Path of Fire Mastery Insights , places of power that gives you a Mastery point when you commune with them. (Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire)

Выберайте из восьми различных профессий (классов): месмер, страж, некромант, рейнджер, элементалист, воин, вор, инженер.

Каждый класс со своими уникальными умениями и разрушительными атаками. Независимо от того, как вы любите играть, вы найдете профессию, которая соответствует вашему стилю.

Создание персонажа

Путеводитель по GW2

Мир Тирии населяет большое число разумных (и не очень) существ.

При создании персонажей доступны пять основных рас: благородные люди, доблестные норны, свирепые чарры, гениальные асура, таинственные сильвари.

Создание персонажа:

Путеводитель по GW2

В Guild Wars 2 невероятно интересно реализовано прохождение личной истории (эпоса).

Сюжет личной истории уникален для каждого персонажа. Его развитие начнется с процесса создания персонажа. Каким путем пойдет эта история, будет зависеть только от Ваших решений. Вы можете позвать друзей на помощь, но изменить сюжет они не смогут.